Google Blogger, a popular blogging platform, allows users to connect their own custom domains for a more personalized and professional online presence. If you've purchased a domain from a third-party registrar and want to link it to your Blogger blog, follow this step-by-step guide.

1. Purchase a Domain

Before connecting a domain to Blogger, ensure that you have purchased a domain from a domain registrar. Popular registrars include GoDaddy, Namecheap, and Google Domains. Note down the domain name and have the login credentials for your domain registrar account ready.

2. Access Your Blogger Account

Log in to your Google Blogger account. If you don't have a Blogger account, you'll need to create one. Go to the Blogger homepage and click on "Create Your Blog" to set up your blog.

3. Create a New Blog or Select an Existing One

If you're setting up a new blog, follow the prompts to create your blog on Blogger. If you already have an existing blog, select it from the list of your blogs in the Blogger dashboard.

4. Access the Settings Section

In the Blogger dashboard, navigate to the "Settings" option on the left sidebar. Click on "Settings" to open the configuration options for your blog.

5. Go to the Basic Settings Tab

Within the Settings section, find and click on the "Basic" tab. This is where you can configure fundamental settings for your blog, including the custom domain.

6. Set Up a Third-Party Domain

Look for the "Publishing" section within the Basic settings. You'll find an option that says "Your Domain." Click on the "Set up a third-party URL for your blog" link.

7. Enter Your Custom Domain

In the provided field, enter the custom domain you purchased from the registrar. Make sure to include the full domain, including the "www" or any subdomain you want to use (e.g.,

8. Save Changes and Verify Domain Ownership

Click the "Save" button, and Blogger will attempt to verify your domain ownership. You'll see specific instructions on how to do this. Typically, you'll need to add a series of DNS records to your domain registrar's settings.

9. Access Your Domain Registrar Account

Log in to your domain registrar account where you purchased the domain. Find the DNS management or DNS settings section. This might vary depending on your registrar.

10. Add DNS Records

Follow the instructions provided by Blogger to add the required DNS records. This usually involves creating CNAME and A records. Copy the values from Blogger and paste them into the corresponding fields in your domain registrar's DNS settings.

11. Save Changes in Your Domain Registrar Account

After adding the DNS records, save the changes in your domain registrar account. Keep in mind that DNS changes might take some time to propagate across the internet, so be patient.

12. Return to Blogger and Complete the Setup

Go back to the Blogger dashboard and navigate to the "Settings" > "Basic" > "Publishing" section. Click on the "Save" button. If the DNS records have propagated, Blogger will successfully link your custom domain to your blog.

13. Check Your Custom Domain

Visit your custom domain in a web browser (e.g., to ensure that it is now connected to your Blogger blog. You should see your blog displayed with your custom domain in the address bar.


Congratulations! You've successfully connected an external domain to your Google Blogger blog. This not only provides a more professional appearance for your blog but also enhances your brand identity. Remember that DNS changes might take some time to take effect globally, so allow for propagation time before expecting the custom domain to be fully functional.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I connect any domain to Google Blogger?

    • Yes, you can connect any custom domain to Google Blogger as long as you own the domain and have access to its DNS settings.
  2. Do I need to purchase a domain through Google Domains to use it with Blogger?

    • No, you can use a domain purchased from any registrar with Google Blogger. The process involves updating DNS records, which can be done with any domain registrar.
  3. How long does it take for DNS changes to propagate?

    • DNS changes typically take anywhere from a few hours to 48 hours to propagate globally. During this time, users may experience the old or new version of your website.